Elliott’s Add-on Features

Elliott’s Add-on Features will address your market needs. Whether you are in the apparel distribution business or require an automated EDI Solution, you can count on Elliott to provide the solution you need. Take a look!

Shipping Verification

Part of Elliott’s Warehouse Management function, Shipping Verification is designed to verify the accuracy of quantity picked and to speed up the billing process by giving you an Auto-Billing feature. Using this feature is a very easy and straightforward process. 

Without verification procedures, the item quantities on the picking ticket are what the order entry staff use to select items for billing.  If there are errors on the picking tickets, then these errors will be reflected in the billed invoices causing inaccurate inventories and the time and expense of reconciling billing errors with customers. Procedures included are entering orders, printing picking tickets, scanning picked items to verify, auto bill orders, printing invoices and posting invoices.

Procedures included are:

  • Entering Orders
  • Printing picking ticketes
  • Scanning picked items to verify
  • Auto bill orders
  • Printing invoices
  • Posting invoices
  • Generate UCC 128 Labels for Advance Shipping Notification (856 EDI)

View Shipping Verification Document

Sales Order Import Utility

The Elliott Sales Order Import Utility is an Elliott add-on product and can be used to import ASCII files generated from other third party applications. The Sales Order Import Utility is designed to import a pre-defined ASCII flat file to create COP sales orders in Elliott. It is intended to provide an easy way for third party developers to create add-on solutions for creating sales orders. This includes EDI (850), capturing sales orders from a website, or using a portable device. Since third party developers do not need to know how to allocate inventory, determine pricing, commission, or sales tax, or update various different files that are required to create COP sales orders, the task is easy to accomplish. The formatted ASCII flat file is available from NETcellent System, Inc. The only required information is the customer number and item number. Any information not present will be assumed to be a default value.

Sales Order Export Utility

The Elliott Sales Order Export Utility is an add-on product designed to export COP Sales Order data from Elliott to a user defined format ASCII file. The application can be used for EDI or any other applications that you may think of. The Sales Order Export Utility is a powerful and flexible utility designed to address your sales order export needs. The current supported EDI documents are 810 (Invoices) and 856 (ASN) transaction sets.

Warehouse Management

The WordPress community and theme developers are actively contributing to a growing library of block patterns, making it easier for users to find a pattern that suits their needs. Whether you’re building a landing page, a photo gallery, or a complex layout, there’s likely a block pattern ready to use.


The WordPress community and theme developers are actively contributing to a growing library of block patterns, making it easier for users to find a pattern that suits their needs. Whether you’re building a landing page, a photo gallery, or a complex layout, there’s likely a block pattern ready to use.

Online Credit Card Processing

Elliott supports on-line credit card processing through both PAYware Connect or Via Warp Deluxe. PAYware Connect support most major processors (i.e. First Data, Elavon, etc.), whereas Via Warp Deluxe only supports the Elavon Processor. With on-line credit card processing, the credit card is charged through Elliott and the payment is automatically posted to your merchant account, as well as performing a real time cash receipt. In Elliott, you can perform an on-line credit card charge from the following areas:

  • Contact Screen (Real Time Cash Receipt)
  • A/R Credit Card Transaction Handling (Batch Cash Receipt)
  • COP Sales Desk (Real Time Cash Receipt)
  • COP Order Entry Billing Screen (Real Time Cash Receipt)

Access to the credit card information and charging credit cards is controllable by user. The credit card number is encrypted with a user defined 128-bit key to secure credit card numbers.

Item Import Utility

This is an add-on feature supports both a fixed length ASCII and CSV file import. Only Item Number and Item Description fields are required. All other fields are optional and, if not provided, will assume a default value. The default value can either be the Elliott’s default value when adding a new item or the value in DEFAULT-ITEM, if it exists.The CSV Import option also supports copying a default value from another item. If the item you are copying from is a Kit, Feature or BOMP parent item, then its components structure can be optionally copied as well. A special feature will also make the copy from item as the only kit component if the copy from item is a regular item (not a kit or feature/option) and the copy to is a Kit item.The CSV Import option can also automatically assign UPC codes upon importing new items.

AP Transaction Import Utility

Similar to COP Sales Order Import Utility, this add-on feature will let you import and create new AP transactions from a pre-defined fixed length ASCII file. This function is provided mainly for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) where you may receive invoices from vendor on a mass basis. Instead of entering them into the Elliott AP module manually, you can go through a mapping process to map your vendor invoice data into the Elliott AP Import ASCII file format and automate this process. The AP Import Utility requires very little information in the ASCII file and can assume most of the information if they are not present. This makes it easy for the data mapping process.

Purchase Order Import Utility

The PO Import module is designed to import a pre-defined ASCII file to create purchase orders. It provides a convenient way for third party developers to create purchase orders. The ASCII file format is available from NETcellent System, Inc.

Purchase Order Export Utility

This is an optional add-on feature to support sending an EDI 850 from Elliott users to their vendors. If both companies use Elliott, they can transfer the PO from one to the other by using the Export, as well as the Purchase Order Import function.

Purchase Order Line Item Change Import Utility

This utility can be an important link in the supply chain management where a purchase order is issued to your vendor and your vendor responds with revised dates and quantities. If your vendor can provide the revised data in a spreadsheet format, then you can import the data into Elliott and revise the PO line item quantities and dates without manual data input. Most fields in the PO line Item Screen can be updated through this import utility. Once the import makes an update, you still need to print the changed PO to make the change take effect and establish a revision number.

BOMP & KIT Import Utility

Bill of Material Structure Import
This is an add-on feature. This utility can be used to either import a new product structure or modify an existing product structure. Modifying an existing product structure may cause a quantity allocation integrity issue, if the parent item already has activity. Since this problem can be easily resolved through the Reset Qty Allocation utility, the import utility will only give a warning message when this happens.

Kit Item Import
Like the Bill of Material Product Structure Import, this is also an add-on feature. This utility can be used to either import a new kit structure or modify an existing kit structure. Modifying an existing kit structure may cause a quantity allocation integrity issue, if the parent item has activity. Since this problem can be easily resolved through the Reset Qty Allocation utility, import utility will only give a warning message when this happens.

Apparel Style Group

Many industries have special needs when it comes to accounting and distribution. If you’re in the apparel industry, then you are already familiar with that fact. So how can Elliott Business Software help you to keep focused on your particular business needs? By offering to you the “Apparel Style Group Enhancement.” This vertical enhancement for the Elliott Business Software package is specially designed for your company and numerous others just like it. Here is how it works.

After installing the enhancement, begin shipping and tracking inventory by color, size or some other variable by using a matrix grid. Each style can be set up by color or size for sub-coding of an item and track each code of an item individually.

Once set up, enter your orders and print out reports, picking tickets, and more using the matrix you setup. It’s that simple. It’s that flexible.

Web Services

If you need to set up a unique e-Commerce or e-Business application that Elliott eStore.NET cannot handle, then you should consider using the Elliott Web Services Components. How will these components benefit you? Simply put, you will be able to easily develop a custom web solution on your web site without the requirement of learning the complex logic to update Elliott’s back end database. For example, to create an Elliott order with Web Services, you only need to provide a customer number and an item number and the Elliott Web Services components will take care of the rest. Any additional information you provide, the system will honor and use it. If information is not provided, the system will use the default value.

The Elliott Web Services components are considered the Business Logic Layer and are the middle tier of a three tier application architecture (ASP and/or ASP.NET pages are the user interface tier and Elliott Database is the Database tier). The Elliott Web Services greatly speed up the programming project implementation cycle while eliminating the need for the user interface programmer to learn the complicated logic of the business transaction.

Firearms Software

The WordPress community and theme developers are actively contributing to a growing library of block patterns, making it easier for users to find a pattern that suits their needs. Whether you’re building a landing page, a photo gallery, or a complex layout, there’s likely a block pattern ready to use.